Endorsed Courses

Playtime: An introductory course to supporting children’s play within a Healthy Activities and Food (HAF) setting.   

L2APP Level 2 Playwork Qualification: L2APP is intended to provide a good foundation of knowledge of children’s play and a playwork approach for practitioners working face to face with children in a range of settings. 

1 - 2 Day Courses

Adopting a Playwork Approach:  A fun, practical course will provide a good foundation in the components that comprise a playwork approach. 

  • The value, importance & benefits of play
  • The benefits of play
  • Developing positive relationships in play
  • Observation & Intervention techniques
  • Adopting a risk benefit approach in practice
  • Developing reflective practice

Assessing & Designing Better Spaces for Play: A practical course explores how to assess the ‘play value’ of spaces and how to utilise this to inform future improvements.  It comprises:

  • Theory of affordance and play value
  • Overview of the play menu / curriculum
  • Site assessment techniques & practical exploration – Identifying existing and missing components/qualities
  • Using assessment and mapping techniques to inform future site improvements